Music is more....

...more than just notes or keys, or rhythms and beats. It is the uttering of the soul's fixation on life. The heart wrenching, pulse throbbing, throat squeezing deciphers of the conundrums inside our exasperated selves. Music pieces together syllables that fit and flow in a complex mellowed concerto, sometimes seeming simple in its diversities. Music is my soul, of which expresses my whole.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

To Finish...

...a song.  Oh, it feels wonderful!  I have just recently finish my very first piano composition...not the first I've ever written, but the first I've ever finished. :)  It isn't the most complex or even the most beautiful of my pieces, but my listeners seem to enjoy it very much.  I will be recording it and then publishing it very soon.  Now if only I had a REAL piano to play on, instead of a keyboard. :P  Well, we shall be happy with what we have, and that is a lovely lullaby composition that has my name written on it and in it.  Look forward to my next post!
